

发布时间:2006-12-16 作者:陈振煌 发布者:李宝尚 阅读 : 9451

一、          模块的基本内容和基本结构


Unit and topic单元主题

Lesson and content课程和内容




Language awareness4, cultural corner, bulletin board, unit diary


Varieties of English多样英语

Body language肢体语言

20new frontier前沿

Futurology 未来学

Language awareness5, cultural corner, bulletin board, unit diary


Artificial intelligence人工智能

Scientific breakthrough科学突破

21human biology人类生物学

Chewing gum咀嚼口香糖

Language awareness6, cultural corner, bulletin board, unit diary


Brain power大脑能量

Epidemics explained传染病说明


二、          模块的基本特色


(1)       opening pages: to introduce the unit and motivate the students. 开始页用来介绍单元内容,同时可以激励学生,让学生具有学习的基本动机。

(2)       unit objectivestell the students what they are going to.学生了解本单元的学习目标和学习任务,为自主学习做好准备。

(3)       warming-up: ask the students to think and talk about the topic related to the unit. 让学生热起身来,为后面的具体深入的学习奠定好条件,使整个单元的导入部分。这个部分应该以说为主。

(4)       skill focus: prepare the students for reading and listening. 为具体的阅读和听力提供基本的词汇和语言结构的条件。注重基本的关键词和基本的句子结构的分析,提倡例句教学和造句教学。

(5)       function file: present everyday spoken language.向学生展示基本的口语语言,注重语言学习的实用性,让学生培养一种应用语言的能力,体会语言的真实性。

(6)       strategy: build the students’ reading, listening, and speaking skills.培养学生的策略能力,特别是具体的听说读写的策略。

(7)       cross reference: direct the students to the lexicon. It is a systematical focus on lexicon. 强调词汇学习的专注性和系统性。

(8)       phrasal verb: present and practice the phrasal verbs systematically. 系统的学习和训练动词短语。作为学习的重点和难点之一。

(9)       quote and unquote: famous or amusing quotations are presented related the topic. 展示和主体相关的名人名言或者趣味语言。

(10)   language awareness: present difficult grammar area that often cause problems. 通过这个部分学生可以集中精力处理语言难点,培养准确使用语言的意识和能力。

(11)   Bulletin board: an area where the students should practice writing for the need of exchange. 公告栏要求学生使用语言来进行交流,特别是采取书面的形式来进行交流。

(12)   Communication workshop: in this section, the students are required to develop their reading, speaking and communicating skills. One related articles or more are presented. 交际工厂,学生需要全面利用综合语言应用能力来进行较有深度的交流,满足语言的信息、思考和交流的三大功能。

三、          模块的学习目标


(1)       语言知识


Number & content 数量内容

Mark 备注


About 300 words

拓展词汇word expansion


3 charts

模拟学习act out


Communicate, future, biology

深度学习deep study

(2)       语言技能

The students will improve their linguistic skills comprehensively and systematically. 学生的语言技能将得到全面而系统的提高。

(3)       学习策略

The strategy of employing tools should be the focus for this module. 对于这个模块的学习,工具策略仍然是一个主要的学习策略,用好词典等学习工具仍然应该作为重点来强化。when and how to use dictionaries should be emphasized.

(4)       文化能力

学生的生活经验和学习经验都是有限的,所以本模块的学习并不是容易的,因为本模块谈论的是人类探索的深入方面,人际交流的多样化,未来世界的多样化,人类自身发展的多样化,这些对老师和学生都需要一定的知识储备或者只是准备,才可以较正常或者较可能的得到展开。Remember the limitedness of the amount of the students about the three topic in this unit may become a barrier for the development of the study of this module. Preparation in knowledge or thought is necessary for the normality of the study.

(5)       态度情感


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