
《Module 1 Unit 3 L2 Parties》教学设计及反思

发布时间:2006-11-29 作者:李志勇 发布者:李宝尚 阅读 : 6238

M1 Unit 3 L2 Parties (My Teaching Plan)

李志勇  2006 10 24


l        To practise listening for gist and for specific information

l        To practice interacting in social situations, giving advice, expressing surprise, asking for repetition and congratulating people

l        To practise using modals: must, should/shouldn’t, don’t have to

l        To revise areas of vocabulary connected with food and drink

Teaching difficulties:

l        To practise using modals: must, should/shouldn’t, don’t, have to

l        How to improve the students’ listening ability(using listening strategy)

Teaching Aids: Multimedia

Teaching procedures

Step 1  Before you start

1. Ask Ss to look at the photos and discuss what is happening and what sort of party it is in pairs.

2. Ask two or three Ss to report back to the class.

3. Ask Ss to discuss what kind of party they like.

4. Ask Ss to tell me what word they think of on looking at the picture.

5. Ask Ss to complete the sentences using the key words.

6: Vocabulary

Listen and follow to read the new words of L2

Guess the Chinese meaning

Spell them

7: Do the exercise 2(students complete the sentences. Check answers by having students read the sentences aloud).

Step 2: Listening

1. Read the listening strategies with the Ss. Ask them if they always need to hear and understand every word when they listen in English.

2. Students listen to the cassette twice and decide why each person is celebrating.

3. Ask Ss to read through the advice, trying to complete the sentences and predicting what the answers will be.

4. Play the cassette for students to check their answers.

Step 3: Speaking

1. Ask Ss what they should say when …

2. Ask students to match the expressions with different situation.

3. Ask Ss what advice he will give when he has a foreign friend who receives an invitation to one of the following celebrations For example, What to wear; What presents to take ;  When to arrive ;  What to say;  What not to do; When to leave (if time permits)

4. Give student some time to prepare the dialogue according to the given situations, have some of the pairs say their dialogue for the class(if time permits).

Step 4: Homework:

Write a composition about the advice to a foreign friend who is invited to a celebration in China..


英语学习注重学生自主学习的意识,重在培养学生自主和独立探究的能力,积极倡导让学生亲身经历以探索为主的学习活动。 在课堂教学中,教师要转变角色,成为学生学习活动的组织者和引导者,充分调动学生的主动性、积极性。但就目前而言,要在课堂上组织好学生主动思考,主动地去参与讨论,寻找答案;放手让学生进行自主探索,大部分教师依然处在摸索阶段。课堂上放手让学生自己进行自主合作探究活动,学生有能力探究吗?放开了就怕乱,乱了就难以收场。这是我一直在思考的问题,也是许多教师所担心的问题。
(一 )发挥集体智慧,培养合作精神
让学生亲身经历团结合作、探究为主的学习活动。学生在学习过程中参与活动、积极思考问题、讨论问题,大大地激发了学生想要用英语开口说的欲望。整个听说活动以学生为主体,学生在课 堂上充分展示自己,提高了能力。

(四)注意学生听力策略的培养,注意引导根据听力材料的类型,采用不同的听力策略,引导学生学习运用听力策略Understanding the general idea,在听的过程中,要求学生把写下关键此和词组。






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