
《Module 1 Unit 3 L2 Parties》说课稿

发布时间:2006-11-29 作者:李志勇 发布者:李宝尚 阅读 : 8301

Hello, everyone, today I am very pleased to have this opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is Parties taken from L2 of Unit 3 in Module 1. it is made up of three parts.

Part 1 My understanding of the lesson

The analysis of the teaching material  

本课是Module 1 Unit 3 Lesson 2 Parties第一课时的教学内容。本课的教学内容是能学习运用听力策略understanding the general idea;能听懂有关进举行聚会的相关介绍,并能把握主旨大意;能根据所设情景,运用功能用语,用英语提出建议和得体地表达祝愿和祝贺。本课时的内容贴近学生的生活和学习实际,有利于学生在比较接近于实际的情景中听听说说,从而培养他们运用英语进行交际的能力。

the analysis of the students

The students may be reluctant to guess the meaning of unknown word. Students may confuse the meaning of must and should. They may not get accustomed to expressing their opinions in English .但本课的教学内容与学生的实际生活息息相关,因而本课时的教学内容对学生来说不难理解。关键是听力策略的培养、单词的学习和日常的交际用语在实际生活中的准确运用。

Teaching aims:

l        To practise listening for gist and for specific information

l        To practice interacting in social situations, giving advice, expressing surprise, asking for repetition and congratulating people

l        To practise using modals: must, should/shouldn’t, don’t have to

l        To revise areas of vocabulary connected with food and drink

Teaching difficulties:

l        To practise using modals: must, should/shouldn’t, don’t, have to

l        How to improve the students’ listening ability(using listening strategy)

Part 2 My teaching theories, methods and aids



Teaching methods:

In this period, according to my students’ age characteristic and recognition regularity, I use some pictures to create some scenes. I made them pleased to speak English in some lively ways, such as question-and-answer teaching method, watch-and-listen method, free discussion and task-based teaching. It not only fosters the students’ abilities to listen and speak, but also raises their interest to learn English.

Teaching Aids: Multimedia

Part 3 Teaching steps:

I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening and speaking. 

Step 1  Before you start

1. Ask Ss to look at the photos and discuss what is happening and what sort of party it is in pairs.

2. Ask two or three Ss to report back to the class.

3. Ask Ss to discuss what kind of party they like.

4. Ask Ss to tell me what word they think of on looking at the picture.

5. Ask Ss to complete the sentences using the key words.

6: Vocabulary

Listen and follow to read the new words of L2

Guess the Chinese meaning

Spell them

7: Do the exercise 2(students complete the sentences. Check answers by having students read the sentences aloud).


Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study

Bring in the new subject: parties

Step 2: Listening

1. Read the listening strategies with the Ss. Ask them if they always need to hear and understand every word when they listen in English.

2. Students listen to the cassette twice and decide why each person is celebrating.

3. Ask Ss to read through the advice, trying to complete the sentences and predicting what the answers will be.

4. Play the cassette for students to check their answers.

Purpose: train the students’ listening ability and prepare for later exercises

Step 3: Speaking

1. Ask Ss what they should say when …

2. Ask students to match the expressions with different situation.

3. Ask Ss what advice he will give when he has a foreign friend who receives an invitation to one of the following celebrations For example, What to wear; What presents to take ;  When to arrive ;  What to say;  What not to do; When to leave (if time permits)

4. Give student some time to prepare the dialogue according to the given situations, have some of the pairs say their dialogue for the class(if time permits).

Step 4: Homework:

Write a composition about the advice to a foreign friend who is invited to a celebration in China..

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